The Great Commission Pledge Order Form
We are Very Proud of Our Pledge
The Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:20 called you an “Ambassadors for Christ”. There is no greater honor than one who labors and represents the King of Glory. This alone is worth shouting about! Amen
Dearly beloved, once you consider these two great bible verses, you will realize that we all have a responsibility to pass on the Good News about Jesus Christ and his plan for our salvation.
One way of expressing your love for Christ and the mission that he has given all believers is to review on a daily bases and have for the whole world to see is the Great Commission Pledge.
We are also proud to provide to you or to a love one or to someone special to you a Digital Gloss 8 1/2 by 11-inch cover card stock print of The Great Commission Pledge, that can be proudly documented and displayed at your home, or your worksite, or your ministry location. Our customized prints placed in a beautiful frame allows everyone the opportunity to see your commitment, your dedication and your service as a representative of Jesus Christ.
The Great Commission Pledge Print also makes a wonderful gift for someone that has or is currently representing the love of Jesus in their day to day walk.
Each print cost $7.50 US dollars, this includes the cost of shipping. Your contribution will help us expand and develop additional resources and tools to spread the gospel and to save souls for God’s Kingdom.
You have a choice between our Individual or Group Print. The wording on each print is the only different. It is simply a matter of choice. You can purchase your print through our Support Our Ministry App below or you can mail your information to our mailing address on the bottom of the support page. We only accept money orders when mailing your request in. Print your order form and include it in your envelope when mailing. Please allow up to 10 days for your prints to arrive to you. Thank you and may God bless you. Amen
Two Great Pledges